lunes, 13 de junio de 2016


This semester we've made our first try (in my case second) of making a short film. We have really enjoyed it because becoming an actor or an actress is something that everyone has dreamt with at least once.

Here it is the result:



1                            1.       STREET DAY

(General shot)

The guy and the girl are walking on the street in opposite directions getting closer. When they cross, they turn around and stare in each other’s eyes for a few seconds. 

  (Extreme close up shot)

Guy: (spellbound face)

Girl: (spellbound face)

Then they keep walking following their own way.


    (General shot)

The girl is sitting in a bench eating a sandwich when the guy sees her.

    (Point-of-view shot)
    (Composite shot)

Guy: (Try to go and talk with her)

But the bells ring and she leaves.

                Guy: (Deception face)


(Mid shot)

Both: (wake up)

     (Mid shot)
Both: (Have breakfast)

     (Detail shot) (Mid shot)
Both put under the water the tooth brush

Both: (Brush their teeth)


The guy is walking to elevator while the girl is going down on it.

(Point-of-view shot) (Crane shot)

Girl: (look at the guy with the hope they

are finally going to meet each other)

A guy’s friend says something to him and they go together climbing the stairs.


The guy is sitting in a table back to back to the girl who’s also sitting at the table.

(American shot)

Guy: (Stands up)

Whenever he moves his chair, it hits the girl’s chair, he turns to apologize and also the girl turns to see who has hit her chair.

     (Close up shot)

Guy: Sorr...(Beloved face)

Girl: (Blushed)

     (Shot reverses shot)




Everything starts in the street when they are walking around. They see each other but they don’t have courage enough to start a conversation.

The first day of school he notices they go to the same high school when they cross in the break time but they can’t talk because the bell rings.

Another day the girl is going down in the elevator and the boy is going to take it. While she is going down, the girl sees the guy walking to the elevator, but a boy’s friend passes by and they go together climbing the stairs.

Finally one day in the school’s cafeteria they are sitting in different tables back to back, and whenever he’s going to stand up, his chair crash with hers, she turns and they stay staring at the other’s eyes.

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Comments about the short films


About the technique, we can appreciate a really good one. We can notice that it's a professional short film because the actors get beneath the skin of the characters and make you forget about the fact that it's a short film. The best part of this one is the argument because without almost any word and no color, they  achieve to communicate a beautiful story.


If we pay attention and we see that the main argument of this short film sorrounds about the technique world of the cinema, we can say that here we can see all the shots, sequences and scenes almost ever created. I don'r really like this one because it's some kind of agressive, but it's really useful for understanding the world of cinema and its complexity (including the fights behind the scenes)


Here we can see the technique about the dialogues and the interaction between the characters. It's a really short short film that talks about a common problem for muslim people in Europe. It's really simple because we can almost only see 'short reverse shot' and 'close-up'.


That's one of my favourites. It looks like a part of a long film so we can say it's a profesional one. The argument is also really common between young people around the world and that make us feel closer to the characters. We can see good shots and good camera movements that make us forget that a camera is recording them, that, from my point of view, it's the main aim.

Screen shots

 Extreme close-up


 Mid shot

 American (or 3/4) shot

 Full shot

 Detail shot

 Long shot

 Composite shot

 Horizontal pan shot

 Point-of-view shot

 Horizontal dolly shot

 Frontal dolly shot

 Vertical pan shot

  Tracking shot

Shot reverse shot


 Bird's eye shot

 High-angle shot

 Frontal shot

 Low-angle shot

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Fair's poster

This work, the final one, was great because we could create the poster of our famous fair that we can see everywhere every year. It would be great it to be the oficial one but for starting, it's a good beginning!

martes, 1 de marzo de 2016


This was the chance to realise about not believing anything that we see on the internet. Now I know how to change my friends' faces if any of them isn't looking as good as he should or put myself around the world even if I'm not there

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Old damaged photos

This part of the work was a great chance to learn how to repair old potos and maybe give a surprise to our parents or grandparents fixing the photos of the people who can't be with us nowadays.

From black and white to colour

Giving colour to black and white pictures was really good because now I know how to change the colour of my favourite pictures and can understand how discographics change the clothes and all the album's covers

Coloured pictures


It was very funny for me trying to imagine and working as a cartoon designer, giving colour to a pair of lines and creating characters that in real life are the entretainment of children